Grieving "American Idol" contestant Danny Gokey, who recently lost his wife, said on Thursday he hoped to lighten up after being one of the first three singers to make it to the coveted Top 12 of the TV talent show.
Gokey, 28, a bespectacled church music director whose story has won widespread sympathy and attention, also apologized to viewers who felt he might have won an unfair advantage in the early stages of the show.
"I do feel like I was highlighted (by 'Idol' producers). I didn't do anything to get that...I have no control over it. It's a bummer when people are mad about it and I hope people can see past that," Gokey told reporters on a telephone conference call.
Gokey said only seven months had passed since his wife died and that his grief was part of his life.
"This is a sob story. I don't want it but it is shaping my life and it is causing hope for a lot of people...There is a fun side of me that's going to come out. I apologize to everybody if they feel like it's shoved in their faces, but it's me," he said.
Earlier Post: Backlash From Danny's Appearance On Top 12 Show